Welcome to the all new Keeley Dealer Portal
This is the gateway for Authorized Keeley Dealers to buy in bulk for their retail accounts. If you are and end user looking to buy one of our outstanding effects pedals for yourself, please visit our e-commerce store RobertKeeley.com or better yet, visit your favorite retailer and tell them we sent you!
If you already have an account with us please login.
If you are a new dealer, please sign up for an account
This site is a tool to ensure precision in the ordering process and allow you to track your order as well as get product details, latest images, instructions, media, descriptions, etc.
Sign up for an account here on our registration page and we’ll get you approved and ready to go. This site is designed NOT to handle online payment processing. We take sensitive information storage seriously and process payment off-site. This site however WILL generate a paperless PO for our fulfillment department to process and allow you to track past orders and download pdf files of each order. You can contact our fulfillment department directly at orders@rkfx.com.
Thanks so much, and we look forward to better serving you with this tool. Sign up and after your account is approved, navigate to the SHOWROOM in the top right to place an order.